Thank you for your interest in the BoardDocs portal which houses information relative to our Pittsylvania County School Board members, meetings, minutes and policies. We hope the images below will assist you with navigating the BoardDocs site:
Viewing An Agenda
Click on the Meetings Tab.
Select the date of the meeting of interest to you by clicking on it.
Viewing Meeting Minutes
In order to view the minutes from meeting, you must open the meeting agenda where it resides as an agenda item. Minutes from a meeting are found as a Consent Agenda item in the regularly scheduled Board meeting which follows. In this example, the minutes from the May 10 Board meeting are under consideration at the June 14 meeting. Please follow the screens below to review the navigational process.
Select Agenda.

Scroll to the Consent Agenda and choose the minutes you wish to view.

The minutes appear to the right of the column. Select the minutes to open as a PDF file.
Viewing Approved and Proposed Policies
Both approved policies/regulations as well as policies under consideration may be accessed from BoardDocs. Please follow the screens below to review the navigational process.
Approved Policies
Select "Active" on the Policies tab to visit the approved Board policies.

Choose the section which houses the policy of interest to you. In this example, Section A has been chosen to reveal all of the approved policies and/or regulations for the section, "Foundations and Basic Commitments."

Select the policy you wish to review. Once selected, the text of the policy appears to the right of the column. In this example, Policy AA, "School Division Legal Status" is made visible.

Policies Under Consideration
Visitors may also browse the policies currently under review by the School Board. Policies may show either first or second reading status. For existing policies, proposed changes are indicated by strike-thru, bold or underline.